Saturday, March 28, 2009

New Name

Finally I got a new name for my blog. I wanted to change it long back but couldn't quite come up with something new and interesting. Let me tell you it's one hell of a job to find a new name for yourself on this part of cosmos as every word you think of has already been registered by some or the other user(even your own name). There is one tough competition out there. Having lost all his hope to find a new login name of my friend finally came up with a user name that in itself shows the hardship he might have had to go to eventually decide on something like this:
Every time I came up with some name for my blog and thought would work was already used by someone else. I have always tried to do things differently and stand out from rest of the crowd and this is what prompted me to look for a new name. I don't like to share anything which is mine with anybody except for those who I like and that's when I decided to look for a new name for my blog. The name I've zeroed on is quite synonymous with my own personality.There may be many anecdotist but I'm in a league of my own. I may not be best but I know I'm better to be best. Hope you'll all like this name and would continue to help in my endeavour to be best.

Monday, March 9, 2009

Far From Reality

Though there are numerous things that I simply can't stand but I hate nothing more than to have found myself amid people who talk incessantly about some subjects they are least aware of and believe they are the only right ones in the world and one lil attempt to correct them can really prove fatal in the sense either they end up crying or leave you ending up in wrathful state. Though I usually avoid coming face to face with such people as this seems impossible to lead them to right path but sometimes you can't help esp when you are confronted by one of your friends.

It happened while me along with some of my friends had got together two days back to celebrate my so called and till date recovery when one of my friend( name withheld...and not a "friend" anymore)accompanied by his girlfriend pointed to me saying that he's not had any graduation so far and having worked for three consecutive years(started from call center) has enough of experience and is contemplating to get one fake graduate degree from some University(obviously fake) and once he's obtained would stand him equivalent to those who drag their arse for three or four years in some fucking college in some fucking University(I took notice of two Fs ) and still end up jobless. According to him and his girlfriend they are far more better with experience and knowledge than those who simply waste their time graduating from some college and end up jobless.

Having heard this,I was boiling over inside me with anger and despite of the fact I consider it senseless to answer to such loathsome bunch of buggers I couldn't help myself responding to him and finally took him head on. I on behalf of all those who work so hard for three or four consecutive years to get through a degree, had to make him realize their worth and realization of his senseless ,abominable and disgusting dreamy world of his own.

I told him of people who are there in IITs and NITs and other engineering colleges or in some university are not brainless to have devoted no. of years to their graduation. It's not about just those years and getting a degree...It's about the hard work and routine task that we are made to go through each and every day. As far as graduation is concerned a graduate qualification is extremely important in professional fields such as engineering.
If you study the personnel profile of any large engineering or consulting firm, you will find that almost all those who head departments or who hold key senior management positions have master's degrees, apart from a few who have proven their worth through long years of service(still they are graduate). Do not underestimate the value of a master's degree or any in any discipline; the fact that many people take time off from their careers to catch up with higher it's a fact that post graduation or graduation is very beneficial for building up ones career in any stream. And If you think one fake degree can really work for you...Go ahead...we'll see you in jail rather in some firm. Get as many degrees as you can but no matter how hard you try your arse you can't even stand equal to those who get their degree with stars on their marksheet forget those with honors.
If you fail to do so shove all of those degrees up to your arse.
I feel pity for you and your girlfriend who was too like you. Get out of your world as soon as you can before it's too late.

This very friend of mine even went on to add that he's been offered some job by Google and has refused to go considering it too low for his profile.
Here's my answer to that:
Fuck Off..!!


It was me with my Dad on one occasion when we went to receive few friends who had never been to India until recently at the airport and soon after they arrived they were met with the beauty of Delhi and its surroundings. But it was while they were plying on magnificent DND flyover when I was left speechless when one of them asked: Isn't this that "holy" river Yamuna...oh! This has gone so "black". Isn't Delhi Govt. doing anything about it?
I couldn't say much but I found myself pondering over his two words : Holy and Black.
I noticed that Yamuna River has been reduced to a dirty and polluted canal thanks to the tonnes of sewage that makes its way to what has become an apology for a river. DESPITE DOZENS of flyovers, towering buildings, huge multiplexes, fun parks, metro and much more, India’s capital New Delhi is not at par with other major cities of the world. A number of reasons are behind Delhi’s ailing position and pollution of river Yamuna is one of them.From big industries and factories to people living in big colonies, slums and rural areas, all pollute the river with impunity because of untreated water. Increasing pollution of the Yamuna has now become an international issue and a cause of concern for environmentalists.A number of projects were launched by the government to clean the Yamuna, but till date nothing has happened. Not only the government, but also several NGOs are working to clean the Yamuna. Yet the situation is worsening by the day. You can’t stand for even a few minutes on the Yamuna’s bank at some places due to the foul smell of the stagnant water.Recently, Delhi chief minister Sheila Dixit claimed that Yamuna would be cleaner up to 70 per cent before the Commonwealth Games in 2010. Ironically, the Delhi government itself submitted an affidavit before the Supreme Court stating that the Yamuna clean drive would not be complete before 2012. In its affidavit, Delhi Jal Board (DJB) said that the river remained a ‘sewage canal’ due to the 143 unauthorised colonies, 1,080 slums and villages that present a problem in collection of sewage water that flows into the Yamuna untreated.
I wonder If this goes to continue with the same pace we are not too far from our own devastation or extirpation. I don't know If I can do much about it but I would want all those of you who go through my blog ...please save water,save environment,plant as many trees as you can ,keep your surroundings clean..and help me in my endeavor to get this message across as many people as you can.
One small step by all of us can save the world. Let us all promise to make it a better world.
Last but not the least, London’s Thames River was as polluted as Yamuna in the 1960s, but the excellent clean up model was successful in cleaning up the river. We can expect the same from the DJB’s new project and hopefully we will see a clean Yamuna by 2012 but let's just not depend completely on DJB...Nothing can be done unless or until we acknowledge the problem and lend a helping hand to it.