Thursday, July 30, 2009


It was one day while I was whiling away my precious time going through Khaled Hosseini’s most popular book “The kite runner” when I happened to come across a part in the book where main protagonist contemplates his life and its iniquities and asks himself “If there is anyway he can turn everything bad he did into good?” It sounded very familiar and then I reflected on that Isn’t this I’ve asked many times to myself as well?

At that very moment an uncommon thought struck my mind if is it really possible or can be made possible that there exists a thing which could cure every problem, right every wrong and render every bad into good. And to my utmost surprise I did find the answer. The only word that rang bells of my mind and struck it real hard was the word
But then another thought struck my mind: Not everybody in the world is alcoholic or boozer and hence the word “Alcohol” does not apply universally.

So how should one who abstains from such stuffs should be alleviated of his/her pain?
And only then I decided that I should provide people with real benefits of Alcohol and provide them an insight into how better can they lead their lives without any further complications or trouble once they realize its true potential and worthy cause of its existence. This very post of mine is just to provide them with the difference between “Drinking and Drunkenness”.

Let me make it very clear that it’s alright to be a drinker. According to me Alcohol is one and the only thing that breaks the ice, encourages bonding and no one is any worse for having a swig of the good stuff. Here’s how:
One way to ensure a book becomes a best-seller is to have the Govt ban it,or spread rumours that it is about to do so. That is very common here in India and has happened several times. The one way to ensure higher sales of items that many people indulge in is to ban them. The case of prohibition of alcoholic drinks is as old as history; the case of ban on smoking is recent. Both have proved to be flops wherever they have been tried. America went through many years of prohibition before it discovered it did not work. India tried it in fits and starts in different states and gave up after realising that however stringent the laws, people addicted to drink got it, if not legally, then some spurious substitute which took their lives. Gujarat is the one state which has refused to learn lessons. It was not surprising thus that last month over 150 people died after drinking some poisonous brew.

Drinking is not a vice, drunkenness is. All over the world adults are allowed to drink when and what they like. It is only when they get drunk and misbehave that they are arrested. Drink like a gentleman or a lady; it is a civilized thing to do. It breaks the ice and encourages bonding. If England had no pubs, life in the country would become drab. All over Europe the making of wine has become a fine art. People have wine-cellars in their homes; Europeans have their favourite wine with both meals. No one is any the worse for doing so.

Indians have been drinking since pre-Vedic times. They were mostly home-made stuff or a cottage industry: arrak, mahua, tharra, feni, etc. With the advent of the Europeans, it was enlarged to an industry and we began to brew our own beers, distill whiskey, gin and rum. In recent years, we also started making wines. Vineyards came up in Maharashtra and Karnataka. So we have our own red, white and rose wines as well as Champagne. Many of them are as good as any imported wine, and are good enough to find markets in old wine-producing countries and earn us foreign exchange. Our aim should be to produce good quality beverages with low alcoholic content like lager, cider and wines rather than spirits like whiskey, gin, rum or feni. And at low prices which the poor can afford to buy. But will our stupid politicians ever learn any lessons? The answer is one big “No”. They won’t as they have never been but we can surely change our perspective on how we look at Alcohol and its consumption. Remember excess of anything is bad and it’s not only applicable to alcohol but everything that exists around you.

Alcohol can also help one restore peace all around the world as once you consume it ,irrespective of who you do it with, eventually you end up saying to every fella “ You are my best friend and the only well wisher" and this helps you to get over with animosity toward somebody or something and hence encourages bonding and mutual admiration.

P.S: Let me clear this that I’m a complete teetotaler myself far cry from a dipsomniac but then sometimes I don’t mind having “Do boond zindagi ke” or a lil swig by myself. It’s not that I wanna have it…no…it’s ‘coz I believe in restoration of peace throughout the world and doing that is just a small step toward it ;)


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