Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Best B'day Bash...!!!


Sameer(in red),Saurabh(one with the bottle) and Rahul and
tat is sam busy as always..!!!
Check out the expression on Sam's face.
Before gathering booze
and afterwards

This is all real and involves no work of fiction. All characters are real and still alive and doing well in their respective fields.
Neway here I start with.....
It was 18th of september 2005, B'day of most sophisticated yet crazy and a dipsomaniac.. high on life, the person I m talkin bout is my best buddy Sameer Dev( I call him SAM).
Sam...though parties everyday and even if he doesn't ,makes sure people around him do that though reluctantly. This day was not like another day 'coz this day it is only he who pays for everything :). Like every b'day ,this day too was planned in its own way. I joined Sam early in the morning at his place to party with a common friend. Everything went mellifluously and then came the arrival of another carouser Archit Sharma , always there for his friends but only when the "bottle" is included.
Neverthless , we bid bye to our common friend and it was 4o'clock in the evening when all three of us got together with other bunch of morons to party late till night. I ll like to name all of us...Sameer,Raj,Saurabh,Archit,Ankit manchanda and Rahul(these are the imp characters ).We missed teji bachhann(teja).
Now, Sam tells his parents that all of us gonna ve dinner and wud be goin for a movie to gurgaon..I guess at DT cinemas.(That was all true till we moved out of sam's place. It took a different turn altogethr that very day..wud cum to it...wait.!!!)
we ve had our dinner at ganga shopping complex here in noida , sec 29 by 10 in the night and that was the place where Sam in his most persuasive nature convinced me to stay all night out with them , and I in my most unyielding nature complied.
Then we headed toward sec 18 and now I disclose the real plan..No gurgaon..nothing like movie...that night gurgaon shifted its base to a house jus next to sam's place on the ground floor and it was dere where the whole movie was shot that day.
yeah...u read that right. We can go to any limit to celebrate despite of d fact that once we are caught we ll be runnin for our lives.
Neway all of us got into house..soundlessly and closed the door. Now They..(I abstain from such stuffs..though I don't mind a rich wine or champagne) took the bottles out of the bag and the party began.
Archit goes high the moment he sees a bottle of vodka and high on booze..was leaving no chance left to appease his "biwi" who was going through a verbal scuffle with him.
Sam got busy serving everyone esp me 'coz it was first time for he was being scrupulous but not with me... wth d bottle.Everyone except me gatherd booze and got high(bittu in his own way...)and then by and by everyone started with their part of story and other were deeply grossed into it though reluctanly. Archit is still busy with his biwi.
keep reading......there is more to it :)
by 2 in the night we were unaware of everythin goin around us but one thing tat i still remember is that Archit was still busy falling out with his "biwi".
At 5 in the morning, I got up and saw archit busy again but sam was lying on the floor and was completely unconscious. We made him stand and he fell to the ground. I left the place at 6 in the morning and while goin back to my place ,saw my dad jogging in the park. I got off the rickshaw and started jogging behind him on our way to my place. Soundlessly i made my way to my room and took a shower for an about one n half hour.
later tat evening called up Sam on his no. and got to kno by Sam's mom tat they wer all caught by Sam's parents after i left. The landlord of the house informed Sam's parents.
Now you can guess...what must ve happend.
No no no ....we are all alive and doin well .
But that day is indelibly stamped onto our was all so mch of fun that despite of the fact that we were caught , we still cherish the day.
thanks made it happen like you always do.
Archit patched up things later with his"biwi" and they are happy together.
All I wanna say in the end is tat "Go ahead and live your life without bothering of the outcome. You learn from your mistakes but the days spent with your friends wud always be alive fresh in you heart".
thank you for goin through this.


Comparison of the brain and a computer

I found this topic available over the internet and found it worth posting even if I was not the original source. Hope you find it worth reading..!!
Much interest has been focused on comparing the brain with computer. A variety of obvious analogies exist: for example, individual neurons can be compared with a microchip, and the specialized parts of the brain can be compared with graphics cards and other system components. However, such comparisons are fraught with difficulties. Perhaps the most fundamental difference between brains and computers is that today's computers operate by performing often sequential instructions from an input program, while no clear analogy of a program appears in human brains. The closest equivalent would be the idea of a logical process, but the nature and existence of such entities are subjects of philosophical debate. Given Turing's model of computation, the Turing machine, this may be a functional, not fundamental, distinction. However, Maass and Markram have recently argued that "in contrast to Turing machines, generic computations by neural circuits are not digital, and are not carried out on static inputs, but rather on functions of time" (the Turing machine computes computable functions). Ultimately, computers were not designed to be models of the brain, though constructs like neural networks attempt to abstract the behavior of the brain in a way that can be simulated computationally.
In addition to the technical differences, other key differences exist. The brain is massively parallel and interwoven, whereas programming of this kind is extremely difficult for computer software writers (most parallel systems run semi-independently, for example each working on a small separate 'chunk' of a problem). The human brain is also mediated by chemicals and analog processes, many of which are only understood at a basic level and others of which may not yet have been discovered, so that a full description is not yet available in science. Finally, and perhaps most significantly, the human brain appears hard-wired with certain abilities, such as the ability to learn language (cf. Broca's area), to interact with experience and unchosen emotions, and usually develops within a culture. This is different from a computer in that a computer needs software to perform many of its functions beyond its basic computational capabilities.
Human beings are capable of not only giving non-random answers to questions such as, "What color is November?", but also of providing reasons in support of their answer. Human beings can also make "intuitive" sense of statements such as, "If I were you, I would hate myself", which computers cannot do without specific programming instruction.
There have been numerous attempts to quantify differences in capability between the human brain and computers. According to Hans Moravec, by extrapolating from known capabilities of the retina to process image inputs, a brain has a processing capacity of 100 trillion instructions per second (100 million MIPS). In comparison, the fastest supercomputer in the world, the IBM Blue Gene/l at Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, is capable of handling 478.2 trillion instructions per second, and an average 4-function calculator is capable of handling 10 instructions per second. It is possible the brain may be surpassed by normal personal computers (in terms of Instructions Per Second, at least) by 2030.
The computational power of the human brain is difficult to ascertain, as the human brain is not easily paralleled to the binary number processing of today's computers. For instance, multiplying two large numbers can be accomplished in a fraction of a second with a typical calculator or desktop computer, while the average human may require a pen-and-paper approach to keep track of each stage of the calculation over a period of five or more seconds. Yet, while the human brain is calculating a math problem in an attentive state, it is subconsciously processing data from millions of nerve cells that handle the visual input of the paper and surrounding area, the aural input from both ears, and the sensory input of millions of cells throughout the body. The brain is regulating the heartbeat, monitoring oxygen levels, hunger and thirst requirements, breathing patterns and hundreds of other essential factors throughout the body. It is simultaneously comparing data from the eyes and the sensory cells in the arms and hands to keep track of the position of the pen and paper as the calculation is being performed. It quickly traverses a vast, interconnected network of cells for relevant information on how to solve the problem it is presented, what symbols to write and what their functions are, as it graphs their shape and communicates to the hand how to make accurate and controlled strokes to draw recognizable shapes and numbers onto a page.

I never thought if I wud also "experience certainity"

All of us nothing..!!! This pic was clicked when we were called by JIMS in rohini,delhi for recruitment in persisitent systems.
This pic was taken soon after all of us got placed in TCS .
down from left: shweta garg,hardika bhasin,richa dubey,me..ashutosh(green shirt),shashank and nikhil(we call him daddu..)

Answer this..!!!

If you try to fail, and succeed,which ve you done?

Experiencing Certainity at TCS

Life has been really exciting for the past few days. Since the very beginning of this year,life has been rocking and quite fruitful for me. This very year has been impossibly brilliant till now(touch wood..!!!).
Finally , god bestowed success at my disposal but as they say that "Victory belongs to the most persevering" so even I had to go through various ups and downs before experiencing the success. After having experienced failures at every step , I got to taste success err better if I say "experience certainity". Now , since I ve been emphasizing a lot on the term "experience certainity" let me disclose experiences certainity at TCS..viz TATA CONSULTANCY SERVICES. Yes you guessed it right I am placed in Asia's largest and world's 12th(soon to be 10th) largest information technology firm.
But the very reason to post this blog here is to motivate those who still ve to make it big in life.
To make our way, we must have firm resolve, persistence, tenacity. We must gear ourselves to work hard all the way. We can never let up. This is what propels one to live life to the hilt.
So all you guys don't lose your confidence ,have faith in yourself and work hard with full sincerity.."coz if you do this,nothing can ever stop you to go high on the pinnacle of your carrer.
Remember there are no failures only mistakes and once you start to learn from your mistakes ,you would never have to confront failure ever in you life.
Good luck!!