Tuesday, August 5, 2008


Attitude !...Attitude !...Attitude...!
The word echoes in my mind for more than hundred times in a day. This particular auditory effect is either produced by me or by those who happen to cross paths with me. I have been confronting the word since the days when I was just a mere kid in my school. It seems as if I lost something called "Attitude" and rest of the world has taken it as their sole responsibility to remind me of it. But what baffles me is the way the word is said over million times.
There are people who throw the word over me with an inch of smile on their face or there are those who ,I guess,donot find a better way to abuse me than just say the word.
Now the time has come when I need to sit down and figure out what does the word actually mean from their point of view and from my point of view as well.

If I get into the literal meaning as laid down in Oxford Dictionary
" Attitude" means "a complex mental state involving beliefs and feelings and values and dispositions to act in certain ways".
But how does one decide whether your Attitude is your best friend or your worst enemy.

Attitude is the one factor that is universally acknowledged to be capable of overcoming every possible disadvantage.

Attitude is also the one factor the can destroy the benefits of every possible advantage.

But, why is that?

What I found is that there are two kinds of people..one who survive tragedies and serious accidents of all kinds and there are those who do not. But where do I fit??
What I found is that regardless of schooling, net worth, role in society, or any other demographic feature, those who survive have access to particular states of mind even under the most trying of circumstances.
It is their approach to the world or their way of thinking about the world or the ways that they manage their thoughts and feelings when the world presents them with unexpected situations, that distinguished survivors from those who died under similar circumstances. No one can ever take away from anyone else the ability to choose their state of mind in the face of any circumstance that befalls them.
In other words, no one can take away your ability to choose your attitude.

Of course, there are a variety of dispositional factors (genetic and otherwise) that influence your ability to control your attitude and there are also a variety of social factors that influence the opportunities to develop the skills for conscious control of your own attitude, but there is nothing in either the realms within you or the realms outside of you that can ever make your choice of attitude totally predictable.

In short, what distinguishes those who handle crisis well is what we call, in common everyday parlance, their attitude.

As far as my case is concerned I believe that like everyone I have my own approach to the world or my way of thinking about the world or the ways that I manage my thoughts and feelings when the world presents me with unexpected situations.In short No one can ever take away from me the ability to choose my state of mind in the face of any circumstance that befalls me.
In other words, no one can take away my ability to choose my attitude. Now that in itself is an "Attitude".

But the most important aspect of the overall thing is that one should always be careful enough to carry out one's own behaviour or attitude esp in corporate world as that determines your career and level to which you can survive. The best way is to make yourself acclimatize to the situation and finally emerge out as winner.
A congenial disposition results in one congenial atmosphere and that marks the beginning of right Attitude to make further changes as per your requirement.
Now that too in itself is an attitude..!!

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