Monday, March 9, 2009

Far From Reality

Though there are numerous things that I simply can't stand but I hate nothing more than to have found myself amid people who talk incessantly about some subjects they are least aware of and believe they are the only right ones in the world and one lil attempt to correct them can really prove fatal in the sense either they end up crying or leave you ending up in wrathful state. Though I usually avoid coming face to face with such people as this seems impossible to lead them to right path but sometimes you can't help esp when you are confronted by one of your friends.

It happened while me along with some of my friends had got together two days back to celebrate my so called and till date recovery when one of my friend( name withheld...and not a "friend" anymore)accompanied by his girlfriend pointed to me saying that he's not had any graduation so far and having worked for three consecutive years(started from call center) has enough of experience and is contemplating to get one fake graduate degree from some University(obviously fake) and once he's obtained would stand him equivalent to those who drag their arse for three or four years in some fucking college in some fucking University(I took notice of two Fs ) and still end up jobless. According to him and his girlfriend they are far more better with experience and knowledge than those who simply waste their time graduating from some college and end up jobless.

Having heard this,I was boiling over inside me with anger and despite of the fact I consider it senseless to answer to such loathsome bunch of buggers I couldn't help myself responding to him and finally took him head on. I on behalf of all those who work so hard for three or four consecutive years to get through a degree, had to make him realize their worth and realization of his senseless ,abominable and disgusting dreamy world of his own.

I told him of people who are there in IITs and NITs and other engineering colleges or in some university are not brainless to have devoted no. of years to their graduation. It's not about just those years and getting a degree...It's about the hard work and routine task that we are made to go through each and every day. As far as graduation is concerned a graduate qualification is extremely important in professional fields such as engineering.
If you study the personnel profile of any large engineering or consulting firm, you will find that almost all those who head departments or who hold key senior management positions have master's degrees, apart from a few who have proven their worth through long years of service(still they are graduate). Do not underestimate the value of a master's degree or any in any discipline; the fact that many people take time off from their careers to catch up with higher it's a fact that post graduation or graduation is very beneficial for building up ones career in any stream. And If you think one fake degree can really work for you...Go ahead...we'll see you in jail rather in some firm. Get as many degrees as you can but no matter how hard you try your arse you can't even stand equal to those who get their degree with stars on their marksheet forget those with honors.
If you fail to do so shove all of those degrees up to your arse.
I feel pity for you and your girlfriend who was too like you. Get out of your world as soon as you can before it's too late.

This very friend of mine even went on to add that he's been offered some job by Google and has refused to go considering it too low for his profile.
Here's my answer to that:
Fuck Off..!!


Anonymous said...

m god....u r really angry wid dat champ...bad 4 him...1 to he made u angry n secondly he is boostng on a thing vich is fake, illegal n...ditch it...

but y u give a damn for such loser...u cant change dere mentality nor idealogy... let dem wht dey r... n dey'll suffer for it.... u jst take a chill pill..

ritika said...

woooo... wat an answer sir ji... CHEERS.... :)

ritika said...
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Raj Gaurav said...

Thank you all..!!

Pooja said...

Hmmm now i knew why i like u n love you muhh :* dont change urself ..

Raj Gaurav said...

love you too masi..!!
Thank you..!!

EyesofaDreamer said...
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EyesofaDreamer said...

Gosh.. I cant believe there are nerds like that. Accepted that a job experience will give a person insights, but what is this crap about comparing it with a degree? And I am sure, wherever he got an offer from, must be good for him, considering the organisational fit(must be as fake as him)!

Don't care...chuck!