Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Book Review: Twilight Series

Twilight Series

Author: Stephenie Meyer

Price: Rs 1400

Connaught place isn't far from my place in NOIDA. It's about 30-45 mins distant. So once in a week one can easily spot me  strolling down its wide yet crowded pathways with some or the other friends of mine. So, like so many times, One day I went out again with a close friend of mine who happens to be an avid reader but not as serious as me.

We were simply taking a walk down the pathways in a brightly lit CP taking in its exquisite and unparalleled beauty when all of a sudden it dawned upon me that my dear friend wasn't walking beside me anymore. I looked around and found her nowhere in the crowd. 

It's only then you realize power of your mind when thousands of sick thoughts cross  through it in a fraction of seconds. It was only a moment before I could feel  my muscles go stiff with fear and anxiety that I happen to look down and there I found her, to my relief, bend  on her knees looking down over a set of books available for sale by the roadside stall. Well, these roadside book stalls are quite a common thing to spot around CP and mind you they  offer original as well as the pirated copy at reasonable prices.

Once I found her with anxiety throbbing through my veins, I realized she's as much a serious reader as I am and seeing the same level of love toward books as I have in my heart,my tension,anger and fear...all subsided.

I walked up and knelt down just beside her. To my surprise, I found her eyes wide with a look of horror into them....I wondered and looked in the direction of her gaze and found a set of four books in her hand. Only then did I realize it's not horror rather boundless love for a things called "Books" and found myself a lot more behind her in terms reading and love for books.

Having seen me kneeling beside her,  she passes the books in my hand and goes on to explain me in detail about the book ,which was then  followed by  hundreds of "wow!" and some strange sounds with her eyes glinting sharp over the books in my hand.

It was then she introduced me to Stephenie Meyer and her four books with three of her books sequel to one another in sequence.

Her first book : "Twilight" which was soon followed by a sequel "New Moon"...which led to another sequel "Eclipse" to be followed by the last book in series "Breaking Dawn".  That was more than enough to convince me of writer's immense talent and power of imagination.

I wondered at the calibre and ability of writer to write 4 books one after the other..bound around the same story and all of them being the bestseller. Well that's quite obvious for she wouldn't have come up with the next book had her previous book been a disaster. I didn't   buy the book then as I was short of money then and had already bought books for the week.

After that It started to feel quite usual to go through same experience everytime I went out with a female friend and finally after having seen so much of drama and madness, I eventually buy the whole set.

I start with the first book and finish it in just 3 days....

I start with the second book and finish it in 3 days...and now I'm reading the    third's incredibly great so far.

Let me give you a glimpse of its storyline first....

The whole series is a love story with loads of twists and turns.

 Twilight is told by 17-year-old Bella Swan who is character so accurate and well described that you'll find yourself falling in love with her as you turn page after page.

And it's not just Bella...there are other characters which, I bet, would steal your heart  away with their beautiful and apt description.

It's a story about Bella swan who happens to fall in love with Edward Cullen who possess an other-worldly and irresistible beauty and grace to which Bella is drawn.
Twilight is the tale of Bella and Edward's burgeoning relationship, brimming with standard teenage drama alongside the unexpected, because, after all, Edward and his family are vampires. These immortal friends have chosen to deny their urge to drink human blood, instead slaking their thirst with the blood of animals. Bella soon finds out, however, that not all vampires in her life are constrained by such scruples.
Mind you its a triangular love story which you'll find only when you come to second book.

Twilight is an easy and enjoyable read. When reading Twilight one really connects with the characters and their emotions, regardless how much of a macho man you claim to be. Its first-person viewpoint keeps the the pages turning. This isn't a masterpiece of literary achievement, however. You have to take it for what it is –- a unique and entertaining, if not flawlessly written, story. 
Twilight will almost certainly appeal to teenage girls and many women of all ages, but probably not to the majority of males not at the very least by same level.

In a nutshell....It's a book for everyone and must for every girl. Its romantic theme, gripping plot with simple writing style would make you fall in love with it and keep you hooked  for very long.

Though I'm still reading the third in series but I don't doubt giving it all 5 out of 5. 
A perfect book for every reader...!!

In the end there's something else I wanna tell you all.....

I have a friend who I keep telling to read books and even gave her few but she never read them. She never took any interest in reading. It was one day after I finished Twilight that I asked her again to read ...if not the whole book but at the very least 2-3 chapters of it. 
After loads of prodding...she, eventually, gave in and started with the book...

And this is what she texted me after a week.....

"I'm sorry Raj...I know..I'm bugging you a lot with this twilight thing but I can't help. Twilight is making me completely mad....I even saw the movie after I read the!!
I'm not able to think beyond it....i'll soon be buying the whole lot very soon...all four.
Thank you so much for giving me this. I'm not able to concentrate on anything...All I think of Edward and Bella...sometimes...I re-read it and it's not only me who's smitten....there are a whole lot of them back in college who are as mad as i am.
I know...M sounding all weird but then that's how it is..:)"

I smile in response...!!! 


nishtha said...

ahann...maybe i know this very friend of yours..she's still astounded by the beauty of the book..and the impact it had on her...she says thanx to you.. :)

Smita said...

A very well written review Raj!! Seriously!!!

Have heard loads about this series but thought that it is a kid series but story sounds interesting...might read it now!!


Raj Gaurav said...

Hye nishtha..

pleasure is all mine not thank me much...!!
All i want you is to develop love for reading books...more you read...the deeper you fall in love with them.
Books can be your best friend...I mean it...they can teach you a lot in a short span of time than you could have done or may be not with no. of friends by your side for as long as your lifetime.
Thanks for the comment..!!

Raj Gaurav said...

Hye Smita....

Thank you so much..though I know I can't thank you enough.
You believe or not...I've learnt a lot from you & your posts and m still learning and mind's not just about your blog..posts...there are other things as well(smiles).

your comments are real boost to my confidence & spirit...!!
Thank you..!!

EyesofaDreamer said...

As you know...I looooooove the twilight series. Wondering whr to get the whole set from. And I love your reviews..beautiful portrayal with intricate details which tingles one's curiosity for the book and leaves one craving for more

I WANT BOOKS!! Phew...i could read read read all the time