Tuesday, November 10, 2009

The Secret : The Sacred & Not So Sacred

The Secret By Rhonda Byrne

Price: Rs 251/-

Of all the words that exist I believe the word "Secret" is most "beckoning". The moment one sees it somewhere or hears it...he/she is instantly pulled into it. It's human to have an unrestrained desire to know information that have been kept hidden. Every living or non-living soul in the world has some or the other secret and each of them  feels an abstruse desire to know other's secret without revealing their own.

But then there are some greatest of them ....well..that's what they seem to profess ...who are way too brave, bold and daring that they go onto reveal their secrets( I wonder if they truly mean when they call it Secret...) not only to just few closed ones but to the whole world. And the best way to do so is through the medium of entertainment....such as Film, TV show, Newspaper....and of course Books.

Last month...I picked Rhonda Byrne's The Secret given to my so called human desire to know all secrets in the world. One night I even dreamed myself as the President of United States and hence in the power to know every Secret in the world...courtesy Hollywood's National Treasure : Book of Secrets.

Now the Book....
Some  Good Points....

1. The hardcover looks great
2. Pages are all glossy and feel aberrant in my hands
3. Every chapter starts with a picture of an Alpenliebe candy
4. And the teaser given at the back...Huh..!!
5. And talks mostly and only about "Law of Attraction"

One and the only Bad Point:
It's bore to the core.

If I say I hated it...would be too much but then I can't help say that It's boring.
The book is heavily focused on wealth and creating abundance through law of attraction. "The Secret" is a self-help book which tries to convince the reader to be happy now, and to think happy thoughts all the time in order to attain any goal in life. I agree with positive thinking but not to the extend that this book explained its magic and power.

It is really only the power of positive thinking, which, I agree is very influential in our lives. This book is a bunch of quotes from "experts" of this theory. Some of it are good, helpful or insightful, but when Rhonda Byrne says that she learned everything that there is to know about quantum physics because she just felt like learning about it and believed that she could learn it, and how she doesn't exercise or eat healthy but still weighs 110 pounds simply by thinking herself thin, I want to vomit. I couldn't take it.

Needless to say that there are people who have loved and praised it but then they seriously need some help..not the self-help ones.
I'll ask you not to buy the book as its pdf is easily available.

My Ratings : * *

It also said that if one thinks too much about something...he/she would positively have it through Law of Attraction. 
Next instant...
I think...I'll meet Katrina Kaif and she'll fall in love with me and eventually marry me. I kept on thinking it throughout the day...but ...what...?
Like you don't know...huh..!!

The Sacred Secret by Ravi Kapur
Price: Rs 250/-

About this Book:
This book tells about the seven wonders of the world and the spiritual secrets behind them.
Someone dies...leaves a letter behind asking his descendants to go look for seven wonders of the world and seven most influential personalities in the history and find about their secrets and power.
This is a well told story and interesting too for its different plot. Though at times you feel you should just leave it aside and get on with something more interesting but, mind you, it takes its pace gradually.
I liked it but not much given to few boring chapters and hence would give it not more than three stars.
My Ratings: * * *


Smita said...

I hate these kinds of book. I just finished Eat Pray Love. While I was reading that I had finished 2 more books :D and even then I skipped 30% of the book :)

lol @ ur wish to meet Katrina!!! Even wishes shud be feasible ;-)

Nice reviews as usual :)

Raj Gaurav said...

Hye Smita....

Thank you so much..!!
I'm no more different...I hate such books as well.

Now as for my wish...well...the book didn't specify anything as such and asked to dream and think about anything...and I did.

And you always wish sth that seem not so feasible ...not at the very least now when you know you can't have it though you want it like nothing, for had they been feasible...they wouldn't be called wishes anymore.

EyesofaDreamer said...

Loved it... ur reviews are very honest, straight forward and at the same time so interesting :)